Friday, 8 April 2016

Mary-El Tarot, The Tower, The Lovers, and I: Returning to Firdaus

 "You see, we are like blocks of stone out of which the sculptor carves forms of men. The blows of His chisel, which hurt so much, are what makes us perfect." (CS Lewis, "Shadowlands")

On the 31st of March 2016, I pulled three cards. I took a deep breath. And then I breathed out. I was very conscious about feeling as if I was saying goodbye to something. But I did not sense an ending. I sensed a closing of a chapter. So the new can begin.

These are what turned up to greet me:

The Fool. The Tower. The Star.

It was like I did not even have to say anything anymore. 
It is right there. 
In full colour. 

What words can contribute to that I asked myself. 

No words needed. Look at what the Mary-El has closed this month with.


There they are.

Within. Without. Advice.

I then looked at the three I drew the day before. The last card.

The Knight of Cups. 

This card has been fashioned after the Knight of the Holy Grail. 

All journeys started with the Fool. 

Our understanding of ourselves are torn to pieces. 
Certain preconceived notions of things levelled to the ground. 
So we can start pouring our Blood into the Wasteland once again. 

Just as it was in the beginning of Time. 

So the Star can come in, just as it did in the beginning of Creation. 

So the Holy Grail, our True Self, can be released from its prison. 

From the hardened Castle, which we have created for ourselves.

It is rather neat that the Tower is my Arcana (Mystery) to contemplate with for the following month. April 2016. This month.

Synchronicity? Whatever you want to call it. However we want to frame it. It is pretty neat.

Within this contemplative period, I also chanced upon The Lovers in Crowley's Thoth. 

The Lovers being the Arcana, The Mystery, I am studying intensively this year 2016. The background theme of my year 2016. My focus of inquiry. 

In it was discussed Yin and Yang. Eve and Lilith. Black and White. Male and Female. Two and One. Duality that is Unity. Original Creation. Splitting into two. 

And returning to become One again.

Creation returning to Creator, duality returning to unity. 

Everything came together for me. Right at the end of the month. The month where I thought I was going to be too busy, or too scared, or too heartbroken. The month leading to another month where I thought I was going to be in pieces. Scattered. Confused.

These spreads upon spreads helped me see what our Journey is all about.

Ultimately, our journey is about returning to where we came from. To our Beginning. Our Intended.

Or, however you conceptualize that.

To name something is to make it smaller than it really is. To name it, you make it less than it truly is.

So, I won't.

Now, we will face the Tower with renewed vigour and optimism. It is all part of the Plan. It is the make up of our Journey.

And we continue to ride our Chariot, to keep it afloat, and reign in the Two Horses. Through the blessings and gifts of Reason and Love. Towards the Heavens.

NOTE -- Here, as I have always done, I use multiple decks and multiple spreads, to arrive at a meaningful contemplation for myself. You can do this too. You do not have to pay for a class to have someone teach you how to do this. SIMPLY go with the flow, and reach for any stories or images that popped in your mind, across all the cards you ever laid your eyes and hands on which are still in your possession, and use those. The end. They are there to serve you. Not you, them. All the best. 


  1. I have finally taken a moment to find your blog. So far I have only read one post (I am, of course, meant to be doing something else entirely!) and fallen in love with your thinking. It has also felt a bit strange. Lindenherz first recommended your YouTube channel to me because she said she got a similar feeling from both of us. Reading your blog post, I recognised a similarity in rhythm in the way we write blog posts. I felt a strange shock of recognition. Thank you for the beautiful work and thought you bring into the world.

    1. Hello Ruth! I am so useless with juggling various platforms that I just saw this! I am not sure if they have any notification system on this thing. But, here I am! Thank you sooo much for your comment! I sense the same familiarity in watching your videos! :D This was my last post before the "big internal shift" I experienced around the same time. I went for one of my personal trips overseas after this post. Around about the same time I expressed my desire to "move on" back to my "larger journey". I think the word that I used was "beyond tarot". I still feel that pull. Very strongly. I still talk a lot about tarot, but more as a hobby now. As an excuse to remain connected to some wonderful people. But in truth, I have been feeling like I need to be elsewhere, ever since this post. I need to Return To Firdaus... :)
